26 outubro 2007

O que é que foi aqui afinal?

É só a primeira entrada, outras haverão com toda a certeza.

A RUSSIAN cockroach called Nadezhda (Hope) has given birth to the first creatures ever conceived in space, scientists in Voronezh, central Russia, said today.
"We recently received the first batch of 33 cockroaches conceived in microgravity," Dmitry Atyakshin said.
"Cockroaches are born with a transparent carapace, which gradually turns into brown, and the space cockroaches went darker earlier than usual," the scientist explained, adding that final conclusions would only be able to drawn only after the second female had given birth.
"We are pleased by the very fact that they (the cockroaches) came into being," Atyakshin added

Ora bem, os cientistas russos levaram uma barata macho e uma barata fêmea para o espaço, esperaram que eles tratassem de vidas, trouxeram-nos de volta e agora o animal pariu. Não é espectacular?

Não... Eu pelo menos não acho!

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